Tampere University of Applied Sciences: PRODUCER BANK – Strengthening the Competences of Culture Producers

Tampere University of Applied Sciences' (TAMK) project Producer Bank, running from 2021–2023, is developing a network of producers in the cultural sector and its operations in the Tampere Region.

Developed for the European Capital of Culture bid, the idea behind the Producer Bank project is to increase the profitability of cultural productions by improving quality and matching supply and demand between providers and producers of culture services.

The project will assemble a new network of producers, build stable operations and organisation models for the network, and create and­ pilot an online platform to market the competence of producers and improve the accessibility of cultural services.

Producer Bank’s budget is 270,000 euros, of which The Council of Tampere Region’s AKKE funding covers 216,304 euros and TAMK’s self-financing 54,086 euros. The project is cooperating on training and communications with Operation Pirkanmaa and other regional development projects.

Website in Finnish: https://projects.tuni.fi/tuottajapankki