Pirkanmaan kuorokeskus: 40 COMMUNITY CHOIRS – Fostering well-being for the elderly through singing

The Pirkanmaa Kuorokeskus (Choir Centre), an association which provides a network and platform for all choirs operating in the Tampere Region, aims to found 40 new community choirs in the region by the year 2024.

As part of this aim, the association will be founding 15 choirs for elderly living in residential homes in 2022–2023 in collaboration with Operation Pirkanmaa through tailored services.

Community choirs aim at improving the well-being of inhabitants of the region through choral singing. The elderly residential housing choirs will be providing singalong and choir activities for the elderly. The idea stems from the need and hope for accessible choral activities and the development of cultural activities for the elderly to fulfill their cultural rights.

The choir activities include choir sessions run by musicians, workshops for staff to help set up the activities and guidance to help staff run choral activities independently as well.

The health benefits of choral singing are scientifically proven, and socially engaging in making art together with others is the best way to make art accessible to all.

Further information (in Finnish): Pirkanmaan kuorokeskus